
Open Gym

Open Gym is a great time for supervised learning with a structured warm-up. Times are supervised by staff, but not instructional times. Open Gym is offered at the North Campus ONLY.

A $5 CASH ONLY fee must be paid (at the time of pick-up) for EVERY 10 minutes after the Open Gym end time listed below.  If you carpool, please be sure all parties understand this policy.

FRIDAY Ages 6 to 18

  • FREE when used as a make-up (must have a current school year missed class in our system)
  • $15.00 / attendee
  • 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm
  • Members only (MUST be currently enrolled in classes or using a current school year missed class)
  • NO parents/guardians allowed In the gym

Register by email oganorthproshop@gmail.com or phone 402-571-6630 ONLY


  • Hosted only in the preschool room for ages 18 months to 5 years old
  • FREE when used as a make-up (using a current school year missed class)
  • $7.00 / attendee
  • Parents must accompany any child under 3

Register by email oganorthproshop@gmail.com or phone 402-571-6630 ONLY


We are now offering a 1 hour, Exclusive Open Gym time slots for up to 20 of your family and/or friends!
As with our regular Open Gyms, all the equipment is available to use: trampolines, pits, bars, beams, etc.

Adults 22 years and older are only allowed to actively participate on carpeted surfaces.

All participants are required to complete a waiver which can be found HERE

COST $170
DAYS and TIMES Saturday – 3:00, 4:30

Please note – while your specific day and time is exclusive to you and your group, there could be other activities such as private lessons occurring at the same time. In the event this happens, priority will be given to the members of the Exclusive Open Gym.

Call our Pro Shop to reserve your spot – 402-571-6630


  • Every Open Gym participant MUST have a wristband.
  • Tumble trak is a one-way street into the pit.
  • When going into any pit, you MUST land on your feet or your bottom.
  • Time on tramps will be “controlled” by the observing staff person if necessary.
  • Must wear socks when jumping on the white trampolines
  • Rod floor can be used for tumbling or races into the pit. Make sure when you start running that no one is in the pit. You CANNOT jump over or on people in the pits.
  • Foam blocks that come out/or taken out of any pit must go back in that pit by the end of Open Gym.
  • Proper attire required – NO bare midriff or bare chest.
  • Please remove all loose articles before entering the gym.
  • NO running up and flipping off walls
  • NO flipping into a pit or on a trampoline without asking a staff person first.
  • NO Jumping or flipping off the pit bar platform.
  • NO crossing the tumble trak. Walk around the end.
  • NO gum.
  • NO chase games or running across the floor or under equipment. 
  • NO bad language.
  • DO NOT climb or play on the mats that are kept on the cement.
  • DO NOT pick off pieces of the foam blocks.
  • NO Stacking or building with the mats
  • NO Jumping on the ‘Team’ Trampoline (square trampoline in front of the pit)
  • NO Jumping to high bars (OGA dev team & xcel athletes exempt)
  • NO Standing on bars
  • NO Vaping or smoking in the facility
  • NO parents allowed on the gym floor 

If a participant has to be warned more than once about the same incorrect behavior and is causing a problem/disruption, a staff member can sit the child in a short time out. Time out is to be located near the staff member.  Anyone with extreme behavior issues will be asked to leave.  If parents are not available, then the participant will sit next to a staff member for the remainder of Open Gym.